Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-27-2010) 

“Seven Bridges Road”…By The Eagles >

***Important Notes Written On March 27, 2013: Since the document below was written I have had Dozens of Attempts on My Life. I know for a Fact that the Mafia and Big Pharma are in bed together, as the Mafia is the party that has been trying to kill me. (Yes, I have proof of this with my own eyes and ears.) I have tried my best to make the Mafia a better deal, one that will benefit both them and the American Public. I sincerely hope that the Mafia Abandons the Losing Side, Joins the Computer Industry and I, and “Does the Right Thing for both their Organization and America”. AllenD***


Alternative medicine has “trumped” conventional drug-oriented medicine on the Internet in the past ten years, as far as the truth is concerned.

Much has changed regarding alternative medicine on the Internet in the past decade. Its presence has exploded exponentially. And so has its depth of healing knowledge. (It has found many cures, when none existed before.)

If you perform a “simple linking search” on the Internet typing in whatever illness you may have, and precede it with the words “alternative medicine” or “integrative medicine” (without the quote marks), and then compare what you find to what conventional medicine has to offer for the very same illness, the abovementioned facts will often become clear.

Does this mean that alternative medicine is going to replace conventional drug-oriented medicine in a very big way, as it justifiably should?

Not necessarily.

It is up to the law.

Alternative vs. Governmental Medicine

Federal law in America favors ONLY “conventional drug-oriented medicine” at this point. “Governmental medicine” is perhaps the appropriate term here. (“Governmental medicine” and “conventional drug-oriented medicine” are synonymous, for the former mandates the latter.)

Federal law does so with the ridiculous FDA mandate that states “ONLY A DRUG can prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure ALL disease”. (Based on reality, this is nuts!)

In taking the above stance, federal law is also mandating the reverse; NO NUTRIENT, NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT, ***OR*** NATURAL MEASURE is allowed to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure ANY disease”. (Based on reality, this is nuts!)

Why does our government mandate drugs to heal, and bar nutrients, nutritional supplements, and other natural measures from healing?

In mandating drugs, federal law provides for greater drug company sales and profits, at the expense of the public’s health.

Federal law also provides close to 100,000 substantial, and fraudulently achieved, incomes. These are the incomes that drug-prescribing medical doctors make. (How many M.D’s are there? It has to be 80,000 plus, and growing, I think.)

This “opposite the truth” state of medicine is the result of corporate bribery of medical schools, corporate bribery of doctors, and corporate bribery of the law.

Many hundreds of billions of dollars are at stake here on an annual basis. And trillions of dollars over time.

There is a reason that there are 17,000 lobbyists pushing a myriad of corporate agendas in Washington, D.C. This reason is that when money buys the law, it makes corporations (and the people that own and run them) wealthier.

Of these 17,000 lobbyists, Big Pharma (the drug companies), Big Healthcare (the hospitals), Big Medicine (the doctors), and Big Health Insurance (the health insurance industry) are very well represented. Thousands of lobbyists work for these industries to bribe lawmakers, and to otherwise influence the law. (Each year these industries are spending more than they did on lobbying the year before.)

America spent 2.9 trillion dollars on healthcare as a whole in 2009, almost a fifth of our GDP (gross domestic product). No other country spends nearly as much. (It is as if “we are the sickest nation on earth”. Indeed, we are. This should be no surprise considering our Standard American Diet, our heavily chlorinated, fluoridated, and toxic laden tap water, and our sad state of medical affairs.)

This overall cost of 2.9 trillion dollars, and its ratio to GDP, would both be getting worse even if Obama’s folly in the spring of 2010 did NOT pass (health care costs have been rising more than the GDP percentage-wise for decades). Obama mandating another thirty million or so conventional health care customers via “health care reform” will push medical costs to the point that they are going to bankrupt the United States. (Many economists feel this way. I suggest the reader join the 743,000 or so persons that have watched the YouTube movie “Meltup” at, and watch other videos on YouTube regarding America’s impending fiscal collapse as well.)

For this 2.9 trillion on healthcare that we spent in 2009, one in six children is now considered to be “learning disabled”. Cancer rates, obesity rates, mental illness rates, addiction rates, and physically disabled rates have all continued to increase dramatically for decades with no end in sight. New illnesses are being born that did not exist in the first half of the last century such as fibromyalgia, acid reflux disease, P.A.D. (peripheral artery disease), and social anxiety disease, to name a few. Rampant obesity, rampant diabetes, and rampant high cholesterol are all considered to be “the norm” today. The rate of autism has “gone through the roof”. And NO cures are being found. (Only newer and more expensive drugs are being found, many of which perform no better than the out-of-patent ones that they replace.)

We, as the taxpaying public, have gotten nothing for our money when it is spent on drug-mandated medicine. Drugs only “mask” (hide) one’s symptoms, while always increasing the toxic load on the body. Nutrients, nutritional supplements, and other natural measures, which can actually CURE many illnesses (physical, degenerative, and mental), are not legally allowed to do so. (This latter situation is absolutely nuts!)

Regarding Allen and his son Willy and ***What They Achieved by Collaborating Together*** In Pictures!

My son Willy Darman was a weak, sickly child that had a true bipolar onset at six years of age, clearly and repeatedly expressing both manic behavior and suicidal ideation at this time. Willy was misdiagnosed as ADHD and given Ritalin for four and a half years (as conventional medicine’s “fraudulent chemical answer” to what he had).

The end result of Willy taking Ritalin for four and a half years Was Nothing! No Cure at All!

The picture below shows my eldest son Willy>>> after he was taught by his father Allen Darman three and a half years earlier how to cure himself of a life impairing lack of physical AND mental health.

The picture below shows my eldest son Willy at almost seventeen and a half years old after >>>he applied a wide range of Nutritional and Natural Supplements to himself<<< for three and a half years (beginning when he was almost fourteen years old), and he used a few simple lessons (that I taught him verbally), and he used a little of his own Common Sense.

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known!

No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine.
This Picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms. At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Essentially I taught Willy verbally ***the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know***
In Order to Become ***An Effective Doctor of Himself***, and
***I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools*** that he needed to do so.
Willy did the rest!

What about choice? Freedom means choice.

If I had to choose, I would choose that ALL my health care dollars be spent on alternative medical truth, and NONE of them would be spent on fraudulent doctors and toxic drugs. Unfortunately, Obama’s mandate of conventional medicine substantially took away our (the public’s) freedom of choice healthcare-wise, by burdening all of us individually with conventional medical costs.

Four separate times in 2010 bills were introduced at the Federal level that attempted to restrict the public’s access to nutritional supplements, affected their available potency, or unnecessarily burden the supplement industry in some way. (This is corporate bribery at work, for nutritional supplements solidly threaten entire classes of drugs.)

Currently there is a law (S. 510) working its way through the U.S. Senate that is, or can easily become, unduly restrictive of the production, growing, and/or sale of food. See for more on this.

What The Heck Is Going On?

Our doctors are making us sicker with their vaccines, their antibiotics, and their drugs. Big Pharma’s motivation to increase its sales and profits underlies this.

We are being pushed, if not often forced, to take a myriad of toxic, and often “therapeutically useless”, vaccine shots from cradle to grave.

We are being over-prescribed antibiotics. Even one single course of antibiotics often (most of the time) messes up gut floral health for decades… unless these problematic gut flora issues are not “fixed”. (This is “standard alternative medical understanding”… and it is the truth as well.)

Did you know… that gut floral health is critical to optimal human health? Yes, it is. (This is “standard alternative medical understanding”… and it is the truth as well.)

Did you know… at least 85% of all Americans severely lack gut floral health. (A man named Bernard Jensen taught us this.)

Did you know that the use of antibiotics without “a full course” of gut floral correction immediately afterward is ABSOLUTELY nuts! (This is “standard alternative medical understanding”… and it is the truth as well.)

Conventional doctors almost never use probiotics, or any other natural treatment, to correct gut health. (If they do, they are “breaking the law”.) The problem here is that “probiotics are not drugs”. BY LAW, to cure ALL illnesses doctors CAN ONLY USE DRUGS. (This is ABSOLUTELY NUTS!!!)

The drug industry defines the “standard treatment protocol” for all diseases. The “standard treatment protocol” for an illness represents “the best that conventional medicine knows” for the illness in question. A “standard treatment protocol” should be designed to make the patient well. This should be its ONLY goal.

In today’s world of “upside down medicine” the “standard treatment protocol” for a myriad of illnesses is not designed to make the patient well. It is designed to maximize Big Pharma’s profits and sales.

In general Big Pharma wants to make you remain “as sick as possible, and still get away with it”. This is being done to… yes, you guessed it… to maximize Big Pharma’s profits and sales.

However, Big Pharma knows that it can only go so far in regard to making you (or keeping you) sick… or you will catch on to the truth.

So “they” use “sneaky ways” to make you sick, such that “you don’t realize that they made you so”.

In regard to being “sneaky”, antibiotics and vaccines are “Big Pharma’s two best friends”.

The drug industry is using their control over our government, control over medical schools, control over doctors, and fraudulent medical science to make more money. “More money” is their “only goal”…. it is as simple as that.

Big Pharma is knowingly treating a myriad of broad essential nutrient deficiency symptoms with “drugs” and “only drugs”.

The drug industry does not care at all about curing you. This industry wants you to remain ill. They want to “keep you being their customer”…. a customer for their toxic, but very profitable, drugs.

Big Pharma and medical researchers are caught in lie after lie, and fraud after fraud. The fines they get for doing so are either non-existent or “peanuts” (in relation to their profits).

Over the years millions have died unnecessarily. (Perhaps as many as 200,000 people die each year as a result of taking doctor-prescribed or over-the-counter drugs.)

Despite all of the above, our government is STILL mandating drugs that do not cure, and disallowing nutrients that do. (Our government is clearly mandating lack of choice here.)

Our government is STILL promoting processed, irradiated, sterilized, GMO, and/or “dead” food. If S. 510 passes things will get much worse. (S. 510 is another bill that is taking away public choice.)

Our government STILL allows us to be brainwashed by a deluge of drug company and food company ads on TV. (Incidentally, almost no other country allows direct drug ads to the consumer like we do. I for one see a great need to legally ban ALL direct-to-the-consumer drug ads.)

We are also being forced by law to be poisoned with chloride and fluoride in our water supply, with no warning of their intake dangers by any branch of our government via TV (the most efficient medium to reach the general public).

Even our drinking water reflects lack of choice, especially where fluoride is concerned.

Isn’t our government supposed to act in the best interests of the people?

I think the American public would choose to be healthy, happy, productive, and economically competitive in the world marketplace vs. unhealthy, unhappy, disabled, and bankrupt as a country.

If the American public is unable to make the above choice now, perhaps when things get worse economically the right choice will become clearer.

It should be clear to all that economic health, public health, academic achievement, and our national security are all intertwined.

One cannot have a secure nation without economic and public health, no matter how much is spent on wars overseas or on national defense.

One cannot have a high rate of academic achievement without a high rate of public health.

(Spending over a half a billion dollars on a high school in LA will not help academic achievement if its pupils are eating candy bars and pizza for lunch along with a soda pop, and then are taking an antidepressant, ADHD, or other psychotropic drug… all while having a serious case of a yeast called candida at the same time.)

Basic common sense applies here. One cannot have a high rate of public or economic health if much of our nation is regularly taking toxic, symptom masking drugs, while eating a diet of processed and/or junk foods at the same time. And spending a trillion or two on never-ending wars is not going to help our national security if a large (and growing) portion of American youth are obese, mineral (or other essential nutrient) deficient, health compromised, disabled, addicted, “dumbed down” by toxins or bad foods, or mentally ill.

It Is Time For Change

Governmental medicine needs to go the way of the dinosaur. It is both fraudulent and obsolete. It is bankrupting this country economically, as well as bankrupting the public health.

Governmental medicine is only benefiting one group of people; those that are becoming richer due to it.

President Obama… you were right about one thing. It is time for change.

It is time for you to change.

It is time for you, ALL career politicians on “the corporate take”, and ALL career politicians unaware of the enormous fraud of drug-mandated medicine, to be changed “out of office” via the vote when up for election.

It is time for our government policies to change, such that they do not favor the corporations over the people, and such that they cannot ever do so in the future.

And it is time for our highly touted democratic system to change. Any system of government that allows corporate lobbyists, and corporate influence, to dictate the course of law is inherently flawed. Such a system of government fosters rampant political corruption. Rampant political corruption sounds an inevitable death knell for the country being governed.

We need to amend our Constitution such that it locks out corporate influence of government, rather than allows and promotes it, as it clearly does now.

On another front… when our government can collude with corporate interests to suppress the truth that a car can run USING WATER in its fuel tank FOR ITS ONLY FUEL, or can run with almost twice the mileage using some water split into hydrogen and oxygen as an additional fuel (to gas or diesel fuel), while starting a war over the control of oil (Iraq), something is seriously wrong with it. (See the “The Water Powered Car” at or for more on this.)

Things sure do need to change.

November is coming. Other than Ron and Rand Paul, and a few other possible exceptions such as Senator Grassley, we need to vote all the bums out. (Any legislator that did not scream “bloody murder” when the Supreme Court ruled this winter that corporations can donate any amount to any candidate they desire to during the elective process ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO GO.)


The sad truth here is that drug-oriented medicine is the biggest hoax in history bar none. No other hoax is even close in magnitude. (What Bernie Madoff did on Wall Street is “very small potatoes” compared to the fraud of modern medicine.) And due to government mandate this hoax continues to thrive; while stripping America of both its economic and public health.

America needs to decide, and decide very soon, whether it is going to let itself be enslaved by the corporations, or whether we will rise up and take our freedom back.

We need to do this before anti-supplement, anti-healthy food, and anti-freedom of speech laws are passed. If such laws are passed the job of reversing the corporate takeover of our government and our healthcare system will be considerably harder.

We also need to do this before national bankruptcy, hyperinflation, public panic, and corporate controlled martial law take over. When these things happen, change may simply be “too late”. (I strongly suggest that the reader take a long look at the website and watch the free movie trailer there.)

Incidentally, now that we know that alternative medicine is better than drug-mandated governmental medicine, which is better in regard to the next choice before us? Which is better… “alternative medicine as practiced by an alternative doctor”… or “alternative medicine primarily self-applied”? The answer to this question is interesting. It may surprise you. This is going to be a blog for another day.

Allen Darman [and as of April 2012 also his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Team]

Web Address of this blog:

Important Note: This material is not copyright protected in ANY way. Anyone and everyone may freely send this material to anyone they wish. In addition to this, anyone and everyone may put this material on their own website if they wish. Allen Darman

***[End of Original Copy of this WordPress Blog]***

This material was prepared by Allen D with critical help from a heroic WordPress Expert in Florida Named Mark J and

Has Received Heroic Help from our

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We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! 

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and Humanity Free!

21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America

Web Address of the Above as a WillysBaggie blog>>>  

Web Address of the Above as a JustifiableCivilDisobedience blog>>>  

Web Address of the Above as a aCall4JustifiableRevolution blog>>> 

Web Address of the Above material as a July4thRevolution WordPress blog>>> 

Cambridge Who’s Who And A Synopsis Of My Situation (10-12-2010)

Dear Fellow Americans:

An Introduction To Myself (and my son Willy as well)

You may or may not be familiar with me, or my written work. Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Allen Darman.

I am a person that cured myself of over three decades of having bipolar disorder by using self-applied alternative medicine in the late 1990′s.

Beginning in the summer of 2004, I began to teach my then thirteen year old son Willy how to cure himself of an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and sickly childhood health as well.

Willy did his part in his recovery. He worked at it. In doing so, he generated a world leading recovery story. It is a story of hope for the whole world.

In 2004, my son Willy and I accidentally seem to have made one of the biggest discoveries in history, as far as the achievement, retention, or recovery of ones’ health goes. (This is how history should interpret what happened here. Why? Because it is the truth.)

I give Willy the bulk of the credit for this discovery. Due to his circumstances, Willy insisted that I combine every single supplement that had helped me, such that he could take them all at once. In insisting in taking his supplements like this, Willy invented what I commonly call “Willy’s Baggie” (of supplements).

I would never have done things this way (taken all of these supplements all at once). Nor has anyone else in alternative medicine yet thought of the idea to do this, or widely carried it out.

Willy and I made an original discovery here. Admittedly, over four decades ago Adelle Davis ago postulated this discovery. She suggested that one take the entire nutrient range when healing decades before Willy had even thought of it. Adelle Davis simply did not have easy and affordable access to the supplement means in which to carry her discovery out.

Willy’s discovery (of Willy’s Baggie of supplements) was born in part from knowledge that I had acquired before it occurred.

As one example of knowledge acquired prior to the invention of Willy’s Baggie, my knowledge in regard to the oral therapeutic use of free form amino acids has exceeded that of anyone else in alternative medicine for over a decade. (Proper broad based free form amino acid use is a big missing key to dealing with all mental illness, degenerative illness, and addiction.) As a second example of knowledge acquired prior to the invention of Willy’s Baggie, some portions of my gut knowledge are unparalleled in the alternative medical realm. (There are other examples besides these two as well.)

What Willy and I have discovered is a huge threat to the drug industry. It threatens the collapse of drug oriented medicine in a very big way.

What Willy and I have discovered is also a huge help to anyone with a bipolar, depressive, schizo-affective, or schizophrenic diagnosis.

What Willy and I have discovered has far broader implications than those suggested in the above. Our discovery would greatly help to resolve heroin addiction, cocaine addiction, and alcohol addiction. It would help with many degenerative illnesses. It is profoundly anti-aging. And it would do so much else as well.

Big Pharma and I

A good portion of the drug industry is most certainly aware of all of the above. (And they know it is all true.)

As soon as I first put my son Willy’s original recovery story on the Internet in June 2006, I began to have chronic trouble with hackers paid for by a drug company (or companies). (The drug industry is the only logical suspect here.) This difficulty with hackers continues to this day, no matter what computer I may use, or whether it be publicly or privately owned.

Incidentally, I am almost certain that drug industry monitoring of my Internet activity first began over ten years ago. It began a result of my learning in the year 2000 how to adequately chemically correct a longstanding state of severe depression in as little as eight to twelve hours. This breakthrough for all humanity in regard to how to properly treat a depressive state is still not widely being used by other persons or parties (as it should have been years ago).

A few years ago it was found that what Willy and I are doing supplement-wise can result in hearing voices remission within a matter of hours to a matter of days. (Hearing voices is a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia.)

Essentially, coupled with what I already knew, a few years ago I had found the cure for schizophrenia, just as I had found the cure for bipolar disorder over ten years ago.

A few years ago I also began having recurrent very unusual trouble while using my cell phone. This unusual phone difficulty and/or monitoring of my phone calls by some portion of the drug industry continues to this day, regardless of my changing phones multiple times. (What this means is that any contact made with me outside of snail mail is listened to by the drug industry in some way.)

Things have become even worse for me this year. In 2010 I firmly believe that I have had two separate attempts on my life. And I am certain that the same parties behind this evil doing will try to make me dead again. If I am alive one year from now I will be surprised… and if I am alive two years from now I will be even more surprised.

What I know threatens hundreds of billions of dollars of drug industry revenue, and both they and I know it. And it threatens entire classes of medication as well.

A Synopsis Of My Situation

Some day the world will realize that the person that was going to find the cure for manic depression (or bipolar disorder, its newer name) had to be a person that was bipolar his or her self. And some day the world will realize that I was that man.

I knew when I found the cure for bipolar disorder that I had found the cure for depression as well.

Little did I know when I found the cure for bipolar disorder that I had found the cure for schizophrenia too. However, I began to suspect this in 2001, as a result of an anecdotal story that I heard in Kentucky at this time. About seven years after this event in Kentucky, while in Ohio I became fairly certain that I found the cure for schizophrenia. And today I am now certain of this (at least for the majority of this population).

Never would I have guessed in a million years when I found the cure for bipolar disorder in 2000 that my (then) thirteen year old son Willy would some day improve on what I already knew, as well as greatly simplify its implementation. (He did both of these in 2004, but I did not realize this until 2006.)

In inventing his baggie (Willy’s Baggie) my son Willy has hit a home run for the entire world in regard to healing so many illnesses. This home run is so broad in its implications, it is not funny.

Willy has no idea of how enormously important his discovery of Willy’s Baggie is. He is almost totally blind to the enormity of what he invented. And he is also totally blind to how much trouble his discovery has got me into. (In Willy’s defense, his blindness on these issues may be due to the influence of other persons.)

Ironically, Willy’s discovery (of Willy’s Baggie) so seriously threatens Big Pharma, and is so important to the human race, that it is almost certainly going to get me killed some day. It is going to get me killed because (1) I fully realize its (Willy’s discovery) enormous significance, (2) I will never give up trying to be heard, and (3) the drug industry called Big Pharma stands to lose hundreds of billions of dollars due to it (Willy’s discovery).

More In Regard To What Willy’s Discovery Has The Power To Do

Wound healing of all sorts, the treatment of all mental illnesses, the treatment of virtually all (or almost all) degenerative illnesses, the treatment of most addictive illnesses (the exception is cigarettes, which still puzzles me), the ability to live longer and in a healthier fashion… are all substantially improved by what my son Willy invented in 2004.

Willy’s baggie idea does even more than this.

Willy’s Baggie improves mental and physical performance across the board (in every aspect).

It makes soldiers better soldiers. (They can perform better, and for longer periods of time, in the field.)

It makes workers better workers, regardless of what they may do. (It improves health in general, mental performance, and physical performance as well.)

It makes students better students. (It improves brain performance.)

It makes athletes better athletes. (They become stronger, and have more endurance.)

It makes golfers better golfers (especially if the right kind and amount of inhibitory nutrients are used).

It makes writers better writers. (It is absolutely the cure for writers’ block. I know this for a fact. When I am out of Willy’s Baggies of supplements, it hurts. Given even one or two baggies, I motivated and able to write again.)

It makes chess players better chess players. (I know this for a fact.)

It makes makes poker players better poker players. (I know this for a fact as well.)

Willy’s idea to put the entire essential nutrient range together (Willy’s baggie) in an adequate therapeutic dosage (adjusted by the user) helps with EVERYTHING! (This baggie has to be properly formulated, of course.)

Certainly Willy’s Baggie is not all that should be done to improve ones’ health. Correcting ones’ gut biology, correcting ones’ diet, correcting any common malabsorptive factor that may apply to you are all very wise things to do. Supplementation at mealtimes with vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, and possibly other needed digestive aids (such as HCL) are all wise measures to consider. Avoidance of toxic exposure, allergic exposure (especially to allergic foods), and the resolution of bad biology in the body (as per what Bob Beck taught us) are also wise issues to consider when recovering ones’ health as well. (None of these health measures diminish the therapeutic effect of taking a Willy’s Baggie in the morning; they only add to it. In the case of using Bob Becks’ protocol, it is worthy to note that the use of Willy’s Baggies needs to be temporarily ceased as per this protocols FIRM rules.)

Whatever you may choose to do, you will be able to do it better if you properly apply to yourself the concept of taking the entire nutrient range in supplement form all at once. (This assumes that you successfully adjust your baggie contents so that they are right for you. Doing so is easy. It just takes a little knowledge in how to do so, and a little time.)

I cannot begin to tell the world the enormous importance of what Willy and I have discovered. (I sure hope that I am heard on this before I am dead. I do not hope this for my sake, as I stand to gain nothing from this. I hope this for the sake of the world. I also hope that I am still here to participate in the refinement this great raw discovery that my son and I have jointly made, as the world would benefit from this.)

Big Pharma’s Only Chance At Survival; To Change The Law

Sadly, none of what Willy and I discovered may matter. Powerful therapeutic nutritional supplements may soon be taken off the open market by force of law. Or some key nutritional supplements will be taken off the open market (such that what Willy and I have discovered will no longer be available to anyone else).

It does appear that we are running out of time in regard to Big Pharma’s agenda to make us all at least a little sick, and then profit from such.

Corporate corruption of our government was greatly expanded recently in the Supreme Court decision last winter that allowed corporations to buy the elective process without any legal restraint.

Big Pharma corruption of Federal law will most certainly try to handcuff alternative medicine in the foreseeable future.

Big Pharma will try to do so by bribing our lawmakers to outlaw critical healing nutritional supplements. (They have already succeeded in doing this in many countries worldwide.) Or Big Pharma will bribe our lawmakers to put these supplements in the hands of doctors, and only doctors (such that one needs a prescription in which to get them).

As ludicrous as this may sound, the essential nutrients that we human beings are made of at birth may soon become illegal for the general public to purchase or possess. When this happens, a person will be unable to adequately and properly treat a deficiency of these essential nutrients in his or her self.

The above is even more ludicrous given the facts of (1) our mineral depleted topsoils, (2) the rampant (over)processing of our food, and (3) the poor quality in general of the Standard American Diet.

In essence, it should be patently obvious that we are all nutrient deficient today to one degree or another.

Yet the claim will soon be made by our lawmakers that many nutritional supplements should be taken off the open market, as they are not safe for us for take in order to retain or regain our health. (Only prescribed drugs are safe for us in these regards, or so the law states.)

Key nutritional supplements being taken off the market may happen much sooner than most persons think.

Big Pharma knows if the above does not happen in the next few years, they are done as far as being the behemoth industry that they are today. They know that if the truth of the matter in regard to nutrients becomes realized by too many people, drug oriented medicine does not stand a chance to survive as the industry that it is today.

Therefore, Big Pharma is pushing their agenda to legally get powerful nutritional supplements out of the general public’s hands as fast as they possibly can. (This statement may especially apply to the critical class of nutritional supplements called free form amino acids. However, it may apply to many other nutritional supplements as well.)

Cambridge Who’s Who; Some Very Good News

Thankfully, my recently becoming a member of Cambridge Who’s Who may finally mean the end to my longstanding efforts to be heard by a party with the means to act on what Willy and I have discovered.

To explain:

On September 9, 2010 I was admitted as a member in the Cambridge Who’s Who organization. In my humble opinion, this is an extraordinary honor, especially in light of the facts that (1) I only have a high school degree, (2) I was self taught after this, and (3) I have no serious professional affiliations whatsoever (until they selected me).

There are a number of Who’s Who publications. This particular one (Cambridge) has had Donald Trump, Jr. become newly affiliated with it as the Executive Director of Global Branding and Networking. (See for more information on this organization and its publication if you like.)

My becoming a member of this professional organization gives me the ability to be heard by as many as 400,000 professionals worldwide. These professionals are people of importance in virtually every field of endeavor (from architecture to zoology).

It is my intent to contact thousands of these professionals worldwide (those that are appropriate) with cohesive, organized, and well written material as soon as it is practical and possible to do so.

If ever granted the means to develop such, I hope to disseminate quality video material to these same people as well.

In doing so, I sincerely hope over the next year or two to expose the hoax of drug oriented medicine once and for all.

And in doing so, I sincerely hope that finally some nutrient common sense will begin to come into the healing equation, especially as far as the treatment of mental illness is concerned. (I hope this due to the fact that it is impossible to treat broad essential nutrient syndromes successfully with any drug. All mental illnesses involve broad essential nutrient deficiency, every single one.)

I wish to deeply thank the entire Cambridge Who’s Who organization for their selection of me to become a member. Your organization may result in my finally having a chance to be heard by the entire world (instead of just a few persons as I am now).

I also wish to deeply thank whomever was personally involved in making the decision to let me be a member of your organization. You made a wise choice. (I do suggest that you hide your tracks as much as it is possible for you to do so, and to remain anonymous for your own safety and your own good.)


The Cambridge Who’s Who organization may finally end my longstanding effort to make the one key connection that the discovery that my son and I made needs in order for this discovery to bear fruit for the human race.

The Cambridge Who’s Who organization may also finally end my longstanding efforts to be widely heard by persons with the power to change things.

My progress over the past eight years (since I ran out of my own money) has been sporadic at best. For the past eight years, I could not often afford housing, a decent diet, and/or the means to adequately supplement myself.

The Cambridge Who’s Who organization holds great promise to end the above mentioned problems. (Thankfully, I finally have fairly safe and secure housing at present. The other things mentioned above are still problems for me.)

Membership in the Cambridge Who’s Who organization also holds great promise for me to find the connection(s) and adequate means that I need in order for Willy’s discovery to have a chance to help millions of persons some day.

I patiently await such help (a connection or connections and adequate means). I have patiently waited for such help for over a decade (ever since I cracked the mystery of how to properly treat depression and manic depression for the world). Another year or two is not that much longer to wait.

Regardless of how long the above wait takes, or even if what I am waiting for never happens, I pledge to do the best that I can within my means to achieve my three primary goals… and I pledge to do so for the rest of my natural life.

These three goals are as follows:

(1) To alert the world to the fact that ONLY nutrients and other natural measures can actually cure mental illness, degenerative illness, or addiction,

(2) To alert the world that man made drugs can NEVER cure the same, and

(3) To inform every one that I possibly can that a thirteen year old child (my son Willy) hit a home run for the world in 2004 in regard to the health, well being, and longevity of the entire human race.


Allen Darman

Web Address of this blog:

A related “reference blog” to this one, a blog that acts as “a resume of sorts”, can be found at:

The gist of Nutrientscure.Wordpress.Com

Email: (Communication via this means is monitored by at least a portion of the drug industry. I am 100% certain of this.)

Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx (Communication via this means is monitored by at least a portion of the drug industry. I am 100% certain of this.)

Mail address: Allen Darman, c/o Darman Mfg. Company, 1410 Lincoln Ave, Utica, NY 13502. (Who knows what motivation, technology, and large sums of money can buy… perhaps even my snail mail can possibly be read by the drug industry as well. The motivation by the drug industry to know what I am doing, and with whom I am in touch with at all times, is quite strong, to say the very least.)

Note: This material is not copyright protected in ANY way. Anyone and everyone may freely send this material to anyone they wish. In addition to this, anyone and everyone may put this material on their own website if they wish. Allen Darman

An iSlice Or Two4> Dec 10

I finally caught a buzz in Grand Junction!

I really needed it.

My brain was “out of gas”. 

I had a short case of writer’s block that was successfully treated by a few hits of pot.

Willy’s Baggie also profoundly helps with writer’s block.

Put the two together and “WATCH OUT”.

I could Write and Blog up a Storm Then.

Allen D with heroic help

Liber8 >Is Allen D’s Facebook Presence

Puff puff pass! to all my fellow Keyboard Warriors that still do 420—> here is some Great News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!—> my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Made HISTORY! TODAY DECEMBER 2nd 2013 with this Historical WordPress Blog, one that may Save Both America and the World—> Liber8 >Is Allen D’s Facebook Presence

Liber8> Is Allen D’s Facebook Presence Posted on December 2, 2013 by SmokeMasterAllenD″&gt;

 Google Contest Artwork

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

Womens Day 2013 Logo Winners Because Women Deserve It!

I postulate that>>>

Women Could Do A Much Better Job Ruling Things!<<>>Than We Men Did>>>

With the God Given Natural World’s Resources that Were Available to Us Men.



i gotta get stoned and think about this!

puff puff pass! to my heroic san francisco and florida friends!

we did it!

holy shit!


420Preface 4 those that do!

For All My 420Friends… (females preferred…lol)
Puff Puff Pass! Have a hit with me over the net in video!… it’s Fun! lol

Jimi Hendrix on stage! Woodstock ’69        Jimi Hendrix 420 chillin’


  1. Bruce Springsteen – The Rising – YouTube

    Jun 24, 2008 – Uploaded by Jeremy I

    Bruce Springsteen-The Rising-LIVE DA BARCELONA(2003) Can’t see nothin’ in front of me Can’t 


2012 Was Not The End Of The World, but 2013 was sure as hell the end of the lies!





i gotta get stoned and think about this!

puff puff pass! to my heroic san francisco and florida friends!

we did it!

holy shit!


  1. Andy Cherry: “Our God’s Alive” Lyric Video – YouTube

    Oct 17, 2011 – Uploaded by officialandycherry

    Andy Cherry: “Our God’s Alive” Lyric Video. Andy’s debut album, Nothing To Fear, available March 2012.

    Allen Darman +1′d this


Top 3 GOOGLE Search Results 4> the drifters on broadway

About 887,000 results (0.38 seconds)

 Google Contest Artwork

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

Womens Day 2013 Logo as per a Google Contest.

TOP THREE GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS 4> the drifters on broadway