Does The Truth Matter In America Today?

As I go to the library every day, I pass a brick building on Market Street with the word “TRUTH” painted on it in letters that must be six foot high or more.

Truth on many important topics seems to not be present any more.

Health and healthcare is one of these topics.

The Truth about health and healthcare is systematically suppressed in America by Big Pharma, the Federal Government and the American Mafia. (I am personally a victim of this.)

The Truth about nutritional supplements and their ability to heal is suppressed.

The Truth about free form amino acids is suppressed.

The Truth about GMO foods is suppressed.

The Truth about fluoride in the water supply and the damage it causes is suppressed.

The Truth about chlorinated drinking water and it’s effect on gut flora is suppressed.

The Truth about vaccines is suppressed.

The Truth about antibiotics and their negative affect on gut flora is suppressed.

The Truth about a lack of adequate minerals in American soil and in processed food is suppressed.

The Truth about the profound decline in the health of American children in the past 50 to 60 years is suppressed.

The Truth about numerous high mileage carburetors that worked is also systematically suppressed.

The Truth about the water powered car is also suppressed.

The Truth about cold fusion is suppressed.

The Truth about Free Electricity Generation is suppressed.

The Truth about 9/11 is suppressed.

The Truth about lobbyists and “what they really do” in Washington, D.C. is suppressed.

The Truth about anything that threatens America’s Corporate Powers is suppressed.

The Truth about the Federal Reserve, who will not be audited, is suppressed.

The Truth about what is coming in America from building hundreds of FEMA camps and buying 2 billion bullets for domestic use is suppressed.

The Truth about China buying up American real estate is suppressed. (On my last train ride, a miner in Nevada told me the Chinese are buying up a number of mines in Nevada, and there is a hiring freeze until these purchases are finalized. I sure never heard this on the news. The mines in Nevada that the Chinese are buying is only a very small part of the big picture.)

The Truth about Fukushima is suppressed.

The Truth about NSA surveillance of “all of us” is suppressed.

The Truth about chemtrails full of aluminum and barium being sprayed all over is suppressed.

The Truth about the Federal Government employing hackers to even mess with lowly bloggers like me is suppressed.

The Truth about UFO’s and aliens probably having been here for quite some time is suppressed.

The Truth about the Ability of the Internet to Efficiently and Honestly Run this Country far better than the archaic system of government we have now is being suppressed.

What Important Truth is Not Suppressed?

Does the Truth Matter Any More?

Or has it become an anachronism?

I don’t have the answers.

However, I do know that there is only one power that can make a difference in regard to the above.

That Power is a Collaborative One between the companies and people in Silicon Valley before the Internet is Federally Controlled.

If Silicon Valley will not aggressively fight back against widespread suppression of Truth, the Time will come when it’s ability to fight back will be fully compromised by the U.S. Federal Government.

The U.S. Government cannot allow the Truth in America to continue to flourish, via the Power of a Free and Open Internet.

It cannot allow the Truth to flourish for the Truth means the end of the line for the Truth’s Biggest Suppressor in America–> which is the U.S. Government itself (and those parties that really control it), of course.

What the heck is going on in America?

Are we doomed to fall like the Roman Empire did?

Or will enough of us courageously rise to the occasion, and fight to see that Truth does matter.

Should the Truth on the above topics reach the light of day?

If so, how is this going to happen?

The best idea that I could come up with was a multi-location Internet Woodstock that went on for days, and Awoke America and the World in regard to Multiple Suppressed Truths.

I came out here this time thinking that this idea was one that was supported.

Now I realize that “some people have backed off” – or it sure seems this way.

I hope I am wrong in the above assumption.

If Silicon Valley will not bravely stand up for its fellow Americans and Humanity as a whole, those Suppressing Truth are working diligently on the implementation of a plan to Suppress the Truth in the Above List Of Issues forever.



The lack of support of “the one rare individual” that survived multiple Mafia hit attempts concerns me, not so much for my sake, but for yours.

I am only one man.

I cannot effect change living out of a homeless shelter, and working only a few hours a day.

If I continue to be abandoned, I gracefully and courageously accept the death the Mafia or the Federal Government has in store for me. I will be killed when they can get away with it. There is a new fellow or two of probable Italian descent at the homeless shelter that really stick out, and this concerns me. I do not feel I am under immediate threat, because it takes a little time for the Mafia to lean on key people and set things up. I am going to take things day by day. I may try to make a run back east by bus and train at some point, I just do not know yet. As much as I appealed to the Mafia to Switch Sides, I do not think that they bought my argument. The Mafia thinks they are Invincible. They do not realize it is a different world today, as the result of the capabilities of surveillance. Due to technological advance, the Mafia is far more vulnerable that it ever has been. I continue to believe in a win-win negotiation as the best solution to America’s problems, but if I die in the next few years, or even the next decade, the Mafia, due to “our past history”, is my most likely killer, and not the Feds. However, our Federal Government is just as guilty, for they watched this and did nothing, and for a myriad of other reasons our government needs to go down as well. If I am silenced, please remember that any Patriot Revolution needs to target both the Feds and the Mafia, or it will not, and cannot, succeed in reversing America’s course for the better.)

The health of American children, the future of America, and the future of seven billion people is at stake.

Don’t blame me if things do not work out and my voice is successfully silenced.

This old man (me) will continue to do his best to survive and say what needs to be said, until either I get some help, or someone silences me. I will never give up, for I put humanity’s best interests ahead of those of myself.

Allen D with help from an American hero named Mark J and some heroic WordPress People in the San Francisco Bay Area

I tried to connect this account like I did many others, but I am being hacker blocked; the wifi in the library keeps shutting down when I try to do this

I just thought I would let you folks know.

The wifi signal keeps getting chopped off so I cannot make the connection to Google+.

This is what used to happen in Reno, the wifi signal kept getting chopped off when I tried to do something really meaningful.

That’s all for today.

It’s go back to the shelter time so as not to get locked out from it being overfull.



The Water Car (3-11-2014)

The Water Car (3-11-2014)

The Water Car

The Water Car

July4thRevolution Web Page>

The Water Car


Dear Fellow Americans:

About a week ago [in the summer of 2010] I ran into the information below regarding a man named Stanley Meyer and the water powered car he invented. Simply search for Stan Meyer, water car, or water powered car on Youtube or on any search engine on the Internet…. and/or read the material below.

This is amazing stuff.

Stan Meyer isn’t the only one that seems to have made a car run on water only… there are others doing this (or that have done this) as well (Daniel Dingel, etc.). However, Stan’s story is the most profound. What follows is one rendition (of quite a few) of this—>

The world lost a great deal when Stan Meyers was murdered for what he had discovered because his discoveries “threatened the powers that be”. It also may lose a great deal in regard to my discoveries if I don’t get some real help (and soon).

Allen Darman

The Water Car

© Copyright April 4, 2007 by Schuyler Ebbets. This article is posted on Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.

There are not words to describe the magnitude of this tragedy. It is the greatest injustice in history as it effects all of humanity and the earth. This catastrophe exceeds the burning of the Royal Library of Alexandria in the fourth century A.D., which set back the industrial revolution by a thousand years.

This scientific advancement is greater than the discovery of electricity by Benjamin Franklin, greater than the day Edison switched on his Pearl Street generating station’s electrical power distribution system changing our world forever. It surpasses the achievements of Nikola Tesla who’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current and helped usher in the second industrial revolution.

This one invention dwarfs all preceding achievements because it undoes all of the evil and destruction and human enslavement, which has resulted from man’s past relationship with science and technology. It would have completely eliminated global warming as it relates to the burning of fossil fuels. It would have ended the destruction of pristine environments in the quest for oil, like those in southern Africa, South America, and Alaska. It would have made dirty, dangerous, and inefficient nuclear power even more obsolete and ridiculous than it already is. More energy is required to produce nuclear fuel rods than they produce when a nuclear power plant is in operation. This new technology produces infinitely more power than it uses because it’s fuel is water.

Imagine a world where wars fought over oil are no longer necessary. The mass killing of millions of men, women, and children by America in it’s quest for oil would no longer be necessary. It would not be necessary to buy expensive gasoline, purchased with your labor and the blood of innocents. An ordinary car converted to run on water would be virtually free to operate except for the cost of mechanically maintaining the car.

This one invention by a gifted soul would have saved our ecosystem and turned our genocidal civilization into a utopia. But tragically and unjustly it is not to be. In order for humanity to climb up out of their self imposed pit of pollution and war, the wealthiest among us must overcome their greed and lust for power.

The people who are raping and murdering our planet will not suddenly awaken and realize that water is a far superior fuel source. It is easier and more profitable for them to attack country after country, killing and enslaving the people, and stealing their oil. After all this has been the barbaric behavior of human kind since we first emerged from the caves.

The corporate elite who now hold a noose around the collective neck of humanity tell us to accept our fate and not struggle, the noose will only grow tighter. More people die, our planet’s atmosphere heats up and the destroyers of life become richer and more powerful. It can only end with a damaged ecosystem and millions of dead human beings. It will end with melted ice caps, coastlines under water, and weather so cold and erratic that food is extremely difficult to grow, and in America as with the rest of the world, people will starve to death.

This is what awaits you and your children. You have given over your destiny and your planet to corrupt corporations and the people who own them. The ruling elite have decided that the earth’s population has become too large and now threatens the quality of life for them and their offspring. Disruption of the eco system will aid them in culling the herd. Of paramount importance is their power and wealth, and the survival of their self serving dynasties. Half of humanity will die so that a privileged few can continue their homicidal reign on earth. For them it is better to rule in a hell of their own making than to live as ordinary men on a peaceful and beautiful planet.

Stan Meyer was our technological savior. He said that America had become too dependent on oil and he wanted to change that. Although he had no formal education having quit high school, Stan Meyer was an inventive genius and his ideas were revolutionary. Using his amazing intellect for good rather than personal gain, he intended to help humanity. He wanted to free us from our enslavement to the oil companies. He wanted to stop global warming. He was bound for the greatest glory that any person has ever known. He would have been the man who shattered humanity’s oil dependency forever, ushering in a new dawn of prosperity, freedom, and hope for all except the greedy maniacal few who profit from selling oil and war.

His water powered car was better than an electric car because without numerous solar panels and plenty of sunlight they too must be charged by electricity produced ultimately from fossil fuels. Stan’s car was far ahead of General Motors hydrogen car, which simply burned hydrogen stored in a fuel tank which had also been produced with power generated by fossil fuels.

Stan found a way of using only half an amp of electricity to fracture water molecules separating the oxygen and hydrogen on demand. As the hydrogen was produced it was burned creating combustion more powerful than gasoline, and water was the only significant exhaust emission. Stan Meyer’s water engine technology could easily have been developed to power planes, ships, trains, and spacecraft, completely eliminating our need for oil.

Stan Meyer said he trusted in angels to protect him, but in March 1998, Stan was poisoned and died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. According to his brother Steve, the U.S. Government came to Stan’s home a week after his murder and confiscated his car, which got 100 miles per gallon of water, and they stole all of his research equipment which he had used to develop the new technology.

Stan had been threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp. Stan said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelve his idea but he said, “No, this technology is for the people.”


► These two videos prove that the present wars being fought over oil never needed to happen. The million killed Iraqi men, women, and children never needed to happen. It’s all been a gigantic mass murdering fraud for the profits of oil and war.

Read more about this world class tragedy and watch more excellent videos about this subject at this site:



60 thoughts on “The Water Car”

[…] 5) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 8) The Water Car […]

[…] 12) The Water Car […]

[…] 12) The Water Car […]

[…] 3) The Water Car […]

[…] 26) The Water Car […]

[…] 26) The Water Car […]

A MUST READ BLOG SET 4 ALL >>American Patriots<< (2-25-2014) | 16 WordPress Websites That Brought The Feds Down!! said:February 21, 2014 at 1:43 am

[…] 26) The Water Car […]

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Crosby, Stills and Nash – Woodstock – Madison Square Garden, NYC – 2009/10/29 & 30 >

Can U Imagine How Much More Social Impact the Woodstock in 1969 Would Have Had If the Internet, Laptops, Tablets and Smart Phones had Existed Then?

John Lennon – Imagine (Live in New York City ’72) .wmv >

Well, GOOGLE, Facebook, WordPress, the Original Founders of Woodstock ’69 and my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Can!

And that’s WHY WE Are Doing a Start Up 4 the 1st INTERNET Woodstock EVER HELD! Google, or perhaps a Joint Venture Between the following Companies, or close> Google/Facebook/WordPress/LinkedIn/Original/Woodstock/Founders (+ more parties not yet named) will be releasing further details in the weeks and the months to come!

At this point in time—>

ADOGG can Promise U This—> the 1st Internet Woodstock is “A GO”!!!, and Many Very Powerful Silicon Valley Players are behind it! (WOW! My Original Idea in 4/12 is actually going to happen in 2014! Thanks to Mark J andSome Unsung Heroes at WordPress! greatly helping me since then.)

Hi Everybody! Puff Puff Pass! Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself.

My real name is Allen Darman aka ADOGG, Allen D, SmokeMASTERAllenD, and NutrientsCure, my name in the Alternative Medical Discovery Realm.  I am a 61 year old hippie from the ’60′s that went to the Original Woodstock in ’69, and I am an old hippie that still wants to change the world! (Thank God 4 Google, Facebook, WordPress and other Silicon Valley players, I am actually succeeding, or deeply into the process of such.)

Below is a Picture of Me Taken About Eleven Years Ago. I look about the same, except now I would need to spend about $500. for a set of dentures, because at sixty one (61) years old I have no teeth!

This WordPress Blog was professionally prepared by Allen D with critical help from a heroic WordPress Expert in Florida Named Mark J and

Has Received Heroic WordPress Help from our

San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 


ADOGG’s FEB12 THINKING In Regard 2 Our 49% iROCK Shares And How To Chop Them Up (2-12-14)


more thoughts coming after a few hits of 420green on this little pipe of mine!

The Moody Blues – Nights In White Satin >

I love Mark J for “what he did for me beginning in mid April 2012”.

I love those WordPress heroes that first pitched in on April 9th, 2012.

I love Matt and all of you WordPress folks out there in San Francisco and elsewhere that R helping me.

I was looking for someone like you people for years!

Keith Urban – Somebody Like You >

Thank God You WordPress/Warrior Heroes showed up.

I consider these “our shares”, but some, and perhaps a good chunk, “should be reassigned” to persons and/or parties such as—>

a) the Founders of the Original Woodstock for “a piece of the pie”.

b) If the Mafia “Switches Sides”, they should “get a piece of the pie 2″.

c) And what about Facebook? They should get a pie of the pie” as well.

Today’s Thinking reflects my “initial guess”, one that is up 4 review, on a Split.

I believe we should assign 10 Shares Each to the Above 3 Parties named.

That is Ten times Three or 30 shares “to be assigned”.

[It is possible a 4th party (or more???) might be appropriate to get a cut of this 30/Share/Which/Means/30%/Share Block of stock. This party could be Microsoft, the Huffington Post, Foster and Kimberly Gamble (who made the movie “Thrive”), or some other Qualified Party.]

Regardless of how many parties are involved in the Above, that leaves “us” with 19 shares.

Out of these 19, I would like 3, one each for me, Willy, and Max.

That leaves 16 Shares Left.

Rather than me pitch all of you folks on an answer, when I really don’t know beans other than in regard to Mark J, why don’t you folks come up with your own equitable split of these 16 shares?

Even though I had a 50/50 split with Google in an initial iCollaborative Business Agreement, I INTENTIONALLY GAVE THEM CONTROL OF iRock by giving them 51%.

It would not be fair to Google and/or a Google/Facebook Venture Capital combo to have less than 51%.

The Money Man (or Money Men if Google and Facebook split this 51% by some agreement between them) should not have to go to the peanut gallery (minor shareholders) for approval on important business decisions.

Some single funding party, or a tight group of two or three funding parties, needs to have at least 51% of the pie, or “the initial setup of iROCK is screwed up”—> at least that is my humble opinion.

So that’s why I proposed the above.

Somebody has to Pay for Bruce Springsteen after all, and not only pay for him, but Get Him To Totally Believe in our iROCK Cause (in my mind Google Or a Google/Facebook/WordPress combo of some sort is best suited to do this).

Here he is in Barcelona this time instead of Hyde Park—>

Bruce Springsteen – The Rising – Live >

One half of Willy and Max’s Single Shares will be conditional, as I want to teach them some things, and provide them with an adequate amount of motivation in which to learn them.

Willy and Max should each get a half share in the beginning, and I will mete out the other half from a trust agreement (or other legal agreement) if and/or when my conditions are met.

That’s all I want out of the piece.


And I am willing to get by with 2 if need be.

Under 2 shares, and—>

My morale suffers because I think I am/getting screwed…

i’m stoned

assuming 2 original heroes in San Francisco on April 9th 2012,

I think each of them and Mark J should get 2 shares each.

Sixteen minus SIX equals 10.

Ten Shares for Automattic folks in any way that they see as fair and appropriate.

[I Suggest that U See Rose. “Rose knows.” She probably knows what to do here, and so does Matt.]

That’s my Initial Thinking on this.

What do you think?

What would U do different, and Why?

Feel Free to Comment on this.

ADOGG aka Allen D


Bruce Springsteen: THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND >

Bruce Springsteen – Born in the U.S.A. >

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band – Land of Hope and Dreams >

streets of philadelphia (live ) bruce springsteen >

The Boss Dancin’ not Singing >

A Young Boss Dancin’ in the Dark > Bruce Springsteen – Dancing in the Dark >

Bruce Springsteen – Glory Days >

Bruce Springsteen – Hungry Heart >

Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run >

Bruce Springsteen – I’m On Fire >

Doing YouTube and Google Research and—>

Making Playlist/Song/List/Blogs on WordPress is a LOT of fun! (and it’s REAL easy 2! – let me show you how [YouTube video link coming when i get some face to face Google and/or WordPress help somewhere and somehow])

more coming later > i want 2 move on 2 other stuff 4 now.

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  1. Reblogged this on420SmokeMASTERAllenD>ORDERS>LESBIAN420SLAVES!!! and commented:

    Thank God You WordPress/Warrior Heroes showed up.

    I consider these “our shares”, but some, and perhaps a good chunk, “should be reassigned” to persons and/or parties such as—>

    a) the Founders of the Original Woodstock for “a piece of the pie”.

    b) If the Mafia “Switches Sides”, they should “get a piece of the pie 2″.

    c) And what about Facebook? They should get a pie of the pie” as well.

    Today’s Thinking reflects my “initial guess”, one that is up 4 review, on a Split.

    I believe we should assign 10 Shares Each to the Above 3 Parties named.

    That is Ten times Three or 30 shares “to be assigned”.

    [It is possible a 4th party (or more???) might be appropriate to get a cut of this 30/Share/Which/Means/30%/Share Block of stock. This party could be Microsoft, the Huffington Post, Foster and Kimberly Gamble (who made the movie “Thrive”), or some other Qualified Party.]

    Regardless of how many parties are involved in the Above, that leaves “us” with 19 shares.

    Out of these 19, I would like 3, one each for me, Willy, and Max.

    That leaves 16 Shares Left.

    Rather than me pitch all of you folks on an answer, when I really don’t know beans other than in regard to Mark J, why don’t you folks come up with your own equitable split of these 16 shares?